Facilitating Audit In Government

No. of Panchayats whose Audit is complete (Gram Panchayat and Equivalent)

State Name
District Name
S.No. State Name Panchayat Count No. of Panchayats whose Audit is complete (Gram Panchayat and Equivalent) Gram Panchayat and Equivalent whose Audit is complete (In %) Gram Panchayat and Equivalent whose Audit is pending Gram Panchayat and Equivalent whose Audit is pending (in %)
{{$index + 1}}. {{au.gpCount}} {{au.gpCount}} {{au.count}} {{au.count}} {{au.percentage}}% 0% {{au.pendingCount}} {{au.pendingCount}} {{au.pendingCount}} {{au.pendingCount}} {{au.pendingpercentage}}% {{au.pendingpercentage}}% {{au.pendingpercentage}}% 100%
Total {{totalgpCount}} {{totalAuditorCount}} {{totalPercentage}}% {{pendingReportsCount}} {{totalPendingPercentageCount}}%